This website was designed to assist any qualified contractor or material supplier to prepare and create a completed mechanic’s lien form at an inexpensive price.  The contractor can then print, sign, serve and record the lien with the County Recorder.

The content of the lien document is provided entirely by the person who responds to questions that are asked on this website.

This page is not intended to provide legal advice.  By using this website to create a lien, the contractor or material supplier warrants that he/she has reviewed the applicable laws concerning mechanic’s liens in California, and he/she qualifies as a person entitled to record a mechanic’s lien on the property.

To review these laws, please visit the Contractors State License Board webpage concerning mechanic’s liens.  You should also be familiar with the mechanic’s lien statutes enacted by the State of California legislature.  These are located at Civil Code 3109 through 3154.  If you still have doubts about whether you may record a lien, please contact an attorney licensed to practice law in California.

We will not be responsible for any damages suffered by any person as a result of the recording of a false lien claim, or damages caused by a person who was not entitled to record a lien.